A Trenkwalder Személyzeti Szolgáltató Kft megbízója részére keres munkatársat az alábbi pozícióba:
Head of Administration and Accounting (Vas county)
- Provide an efficient financial accounting service for the Hungarian operating unit .
- Coordinate, organize and optimize the administration of the company
- Make the balance sheet, p/ l or annual accounts and the fiscal documents for revenue declaration
- Interact with the legal / fiscal office to ensure all runs correctly
- Update legal and fiscal books & organise archives
- Manage the sales ledger and ensure debts are collected in time inform and support the managing director and sales manager with information
- Register the purchase invoices, follow internal approval procedure and ensure timely payments to suppliers
- Reconcile intercompany balances according to group rules and follow the group intercompany transfer price agreements
- Control the bank accounts of the company and keep relation with the banks
- Register and pay staff expense notes, after having verified these expense notes are ok with internal control requirements of approval
- Make sure fixed assets records of the company are up to date and ensure the group approval system on capital expenditure is correctly followed
- Identify site issues, discuss them with the managing director or HQ manager directly responsible, and work out the decided solution.
- Be responsible for the payroll administration eventually in coordination with the external payroll office.
- Make a cash forecast; prepare the payments, collect debt, report overdue balances to the management and inform the group finance team in time of cash needs. Transfer cash in time to the group upon customer payments. And in case of cash shortage, draw funds from the HQ after concertation with the group controller.
- Implement a budget information system for the budget holders based on actual expenses in accounting and approved budget. In case special expenses (unbudgeted) are needed, inform the HQ manager and make sure he is informed and agreeing.
- To report the P/L on a monthly basis to the group reporting team according to group standards, including giving detailed information, when requested to the group reporting team on actual expenditure versus budget. To ensure intercompany balances are reconciled regularly according to headquarter instructions.
- Make the Hungarian total budget on an annual basis together with the managing director. Report the agreed country budget to the headquarters and monthly / quarterly compare actual cost to budget and inform local management and finance team at headquarters timely of any discrepancies.
Requirements:- Be a qualified accountant, having the necessary degrees to exercise this job in
- several years of experience
- Knowledge of accounting systems
- Very good PC based skills.
- Very good knowledge of the English language both orally and in writing is essential
- Good interpersonal skills to interact with staff and to have contacts with the group , external auditors, custom , VAT and fiscal authorities, bank employees.
- Good problem solving skills
- Ability in managing work to achieve reporting deadlines set internally as well as at headquarter level
- Have an analytical spirit and should show interest in other areas than financial accounting, specifically in the sales and research environment to enhance performance in the job.
Magán-munkaközvetítői ny. sz.: 29338/2000-0100
Munkaerő-kölcsönzői ny. sz.: 37961/2001-0100
Amennyiben hirdetésünk felkeltette érdeklődését, jelentkezését az alábbi elérhetőségeken várjuk:
Cím: 9700 Szombathely, Thököly u. 48.
Tel.: 20/580-7670, 20/401-9610
Email: HuJobSzombathely@trenkwalder.com
Jelen hirdetésre való jelentkezéssel és pályázati anyagom elküldésével hozzájárulok a Trenkwalder Kft. rendelkezésére bocsátott önéletrajzomban szereplő adatok kezeléséhez, adatbázisba történő felvételéhez ill. megfelelő állásajánlat esetén - előzetes egyeztetés alapján - megbízójuknak való továbbításához. Tudomásul veszem, hogy az adatok adatbázisból való törlése vagy az adatok módosítása írásbeli kérésemre, a kérelem kézhezvételét követő 8 munkanapon belül történik. Az erre irányuló kérést az adatokat regisztráló irodának írásban kell eljuttatnom. Igazolom, hogy az általam megadott információk valósak.