On behalf of our multinational Client are one of Europe's leading providers of communications services, with over 21 million corporate and residential customers in the UK alone. They do this through their strategy of providing the best communications services and solutions for everybody in the UK and for corporate customers across Europe. We are currently looking for:
Business Improvement Specialist (Budapest)
- Review monthly compliance submissions to central team from contract community
- Review non-compliance and put in place corrective actions
- Deliver evidence to Head of Business Management to allow overturn of non-compliance decisions
- Deliver to COO sarbox certificates for both GTM WNB and Contracts
- Undertake 3 business assurance (control checks) on a monthly basis
- Maintenance/update of MU review calendar plus other reviews(IR&T, Audits etc)
- Manage action register from contract review and ensure that action owners have closed actions and updated register
- Liaise with Audit to see actions through until completion for SOX issues
- Deliver on a weekly basis the Contract RAG report for President and country management
- Pull reports from access database on a monthly basis
- Implementation of new compliance and business assurance measures
- Ownership of Contract Community SharePoint site administration and development.
- Upkeep distribution lists for Contract Managers and Head of Bid Managers
- College / University degree
- Fluency in English
- Expriences: min 3 years (from economic area)
- The ability to explain complicated concepts simply, structured thinking
- To provide data in order to test / challenge current thinking and support the implementation of new practices/policies and where necessary build alternative strategies that can drive improvements in business performance.
- Ability to use sharepoint
- Good understanding and use of analytical tools, techniques and behaviours.
- Experience of working in a multi-national environment
- Excellent communicator
Magán-munkaközvetítői ny. sz.: 29338/2000-0100
Munkaerő-kölcsönzői ny. sz.: 37961/2001-0100
If you are interested in this position please send your CV in Hungarian and English languages with the reference number (BUD-13-356) to Viktória Kmety the following e-mail address:
Registration number: 29338/2000-0100
Jelen hirdetésre való jelentkezéssel és pályázati anyagom elküldésével hozzájárulok a Trenkwalder Kft. rendelkezésére bocsátott önéletrajzomban szereplő adatok kezeléséhez, adatbázisba történő felvételéhez ill. megfelelő állásajánlat esetén - előzetes egyeztetés alapján - megbízójuknak való továbbításához. Tudomásul veszem, hogy az adatok adatbázisból való törlése vagy az adatok módosítása írásbeli kérésemre, a kérelem kézhezvételét követő 8 munkanapon belül történik. Az erre irányuló kérést az adatokat regisztráló irodának írásban kell eljuttatnom. Igazolom, hogy az általam megadott információk valósak.